Along with eating the right foods for you, exercise is KEY for fighting sadness and depression. It’s probably the best thing you could do. I CANNOT EMPHASIZE THIS ENOUGH (hence the capital letters so you know I’m serious!). When we exercise, we create happy neurotransmitters like seratonin and dopamine. Try to move for at least 30 minutes, 4-5 days a week. It can be tough to get going (trust me, I know), but if you give it a try, you won’t regret it. Sitting on that couch, however…
Diet and exercise will do wonders for your sleep. If there’s a natural mood-boosting trifecta, this is the third piece (food/exercise/sleep). They’re all so closely connected. We make healthier choices when we’re well-rested. We feel awful and cranky when we’re not. (By now it should be clear that this is not rocket-science, but also not always the easiest stuff to do. That’s why you have me, hint, hint.)
Get Light
This is more important during the fall and winter months, when daytime light can be tough to come by. But, it’s totally necessary year-round. Getting direct, non-SPF, access to sunlight (even using a light box) can have a tremendous impact on your mood and energy levels. Sunshine helps to boost our feel-good brain chemicals AND helps us create Vitamin D, which is essential for a good mood (plus strong bones, nutrient absorption, stress reduction, blood pressure, skin, insulin secretion, on and on and on).
Just Do It
And by “it,” I mean any kind of “it.” Just do something. Sex is great, duh!, but when that’s not an option or you just don’t wanna, taking action on something else can be the next best thing. Often depression puts us in an unmotivated, overwhelmed blah-state where it can be difficult to complete the smallest task, let alone bigger ones. Set your goals small: make a list of 3-4 things you want to do today. Set a timer and promise yourself that you won’t do anything else for 30 minutes. Hell, just do it for 15 minutes! It’s amazing what kind of momentum you can get just by starting.
Other ideas that work for me include listening to really great music (uplifting, upbeat, and bright; it helps when I sing out loud (by myself)), watching a hilarious movie (Dumb & Dumber gets me every time. I know…), or hanging out with our dogs (they’re so funny, I can’t help but laugh).