Serves about 4 as a side
3/4 c sunflower seeds (preferably raw and soaked 4-8 hours; rinsed well)
2-3 carrots (depending on size), shredded
2 stalks celery, chopped fine
1-1.5 inches ginger, chopped fine
2 garlic cloves, chopped fine
handful chopped red onion
1 tsp salt
3 tsp olive oil
Juice of 1 lemon or lime
1/4 c raisins (no-sugar added!)
1/8 c sesame seeds
1. Put sunflower seeds in a food processor with the S-blade and pulse until medium to fine. Place in large bowl
2. Add carrot, celery, raisins and onion and mix by hand or with spatula. Add ginger, garlic, salt, and lemon/lime juice and mix together. Add oil to salad and mix once more. Garnish with sesame seeds.
This is great on its own, in a sprouted grain tortilla wrap, or over salad greens!