(in no order of importance) take a nap take a bath call someone you love take a walk get a massage (from a partner or a professional) read a book or magazine hang out with animals (your pets, go to a farm) walk around a museum write a love letter to yourself send some … [Read more...] about 75 Ideas for Sweet Self-Care
Saying “No” as an Act of Self-Care

Feeling frazzled? Check. Feeling torn? Check. Feeling exhausted? Check. Feeling resentful? Check. If you’re anything like me or pretty-much-most-people-I-know, you have a hell of a time saying no to people: to invitations for parties and dinners and lunch dates, to requests for favors … [Read more...] about Saying “No” as an Act of Self-Care
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The Importance of Self-Care

Modern women are notorious for shitty self-care. With families, jobs, school, and/or social lives, as well as the ever-elusive (read: nonexistent) superwoman persona, it can be incredible easy to let any focus on ourselves go by the wayside. I’ve personally been guilty of this too many times in my … [Read more...] about The Importance of Self-Care
The One Little Thing That Could Change It All

If you’re currently alive, you’ll recognize that breathing is a pretty big deal. Most people couldn’t tell you how often they do it (almost 30,000 times a day), but no one can live without it! But most of us are doing it wrong. … [Read more...] about The One Little Thing That Could Change It All
Non-Meditation Ways to Build Your Mindfulness Muscles

I believe the ultimate purpose of mindfulness is to learn to relate differently to all aspects of your life. We cannot change our reactions (to people, work stressors, traffic; pretty much everything) without first developing awareness of our thoughts and feelings. … [Read more...] about Non-Meditation Ways to Build Your Mindfulness Muscles
One Bite at a Time

One of the easiest, fun, and tastiest ways to practice mindfulness is with food, a practice commonly known as mindful eating. I was first introduced to mindful eating in my Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction class, nearly a decade ago. … [Read more...] about One Bite at a Time
Mindfulness Through the Five Senses

Using your senses to get into the present moment is one of my favorite ways to practice mindfulness. I’ve been teaching this to individual clients and groups for nearly a decade, and it seems to be a favorite of many others as well. This is a big part of a modality known in therapy land as … [Read more...] about Mindfulness Through the Five Senses
Mindfulness! What is it Good For?

(Absolutely Everything.*) Mindfulness has been a hot topic in our culture for quite a few years. In some cultures, mindfulness has been a hot topic for, like, thousands of years. I was first turned onto it when I took a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction course when I was in graduate school, so … [Read more...] about Mindfulness! What is it Good For?
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